今天這篇,主要是寫給「啣橄欖黨」黨員們關心"站長& 808"的人看的,也是寫給ITI 23期日文組關心一個叫做Winly的同學看的…呵,我可沒寫你的中文名~


■ 狂賀~ おめでとう!Winly & Rain got married~



What did I do to help Winly? (Haha~)

I found something unusual, and pushed Winly (actually I threatened him) to "admit" he had good feeling on 808 (the girl's nickname).

Winly loved her smiles very much. When traveling in China, he had chances to approach another girl called "Water" but he didn't do that. That's why 『我無情,是為了808』 came. I said "if what you told me is true, show it on your MSN title…" and he did that later.

I sent messages to the girl and told her "Winly likes you"...The girl said "really? really? ..." then she saw "that famous slogan" and finally admitted that she also had good feeling toward Winly.

Then, I told Winly in another MSN window to go ahead because the girl also ......you know, balabalabala...

At that time, I had one MSN window with Winly, another MSN window with 808 while they two had another MSN window.

Winly <-> 808
↖↘ ....... ↗↙
Little P

They both asked me "what should I say to him/her ???......what did he/she tell you???..." you can imagine how busy I was at that night.

That's why I said "I played an important role at a very critical timing..."
(It's a pity that no one helped me this way in Tokyo, sigh~)

Of course, after that night, they didn't need me any more...they can move forward by themselves.

我週邊的朋友,如果誰對誰有意思,我總會盡可能幫人家製造機會、敲邊鼓…(比如湯小漢&曾小瓏...還記得那時的鬼點子和裝無辜吧...) 唯恐人家沒機會在一起,積極的要命,大概是我很雞婆。但是,在這裡都沒有這樣雞婆的人來幫我 (氣~!) 。這麼久以來,連安排個吃飯"不小心"把傳說中的男主角或我call去參加的誠意都沒有。只能說,日本人真的有夠冷。


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